
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thoughts on Future Shop

Today I didn't get any sewing done, but I did pick up a new book and started reading through it. It's a book that teaches sewing techniques through a series of projects, which I thought would be a good way of practicing. I plan to start on the first project tomorrow or over the weekend.

The other thing I've been thinking about is the future shop that I want to open to sell sewn items. It will be a while because I want to make sure I am more polished before I offer items for sale (the pacifier clips will probably be one of the first items I list). I want to focus on two lines of products: items for babies (such as the pacifier clips, bibs, burp cloths, etc.) and items for knitters (project bags, needles cases, etc.).

So one thing I'll need is a shop name. So I started brainstorming for names. My knitting shop is called karendawn knits and spins (yes, I want it to be uncapitalized), so I could just go for karendawn sews. But part of me wants a more creative name.

One of the songs I find myself singing to my son a lot is Do Re Mi. One of the lines is So (Sew), a needle pulling thread. I thought that A Needle Pulling Thread would be a nice name. I checked Etsy. Someone already uses that name. Alas. I tried a couple of others but found them already taken. I decided to try using some puns and now have a list of five possibilities that are still available on Etsy. I'm not sure that any of them are yet the one that says, "yes, this is definitely THE name" so I'm going to keep thinking, but I'm listing them so I can remember what they are.
1. Because I Say Sew
2. Why Sew Serious?
3. Spools Rush In
4. How Unseamly
5. Sew What?

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