
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Labels and Rice Bags

Two small projects (one super small) have been all I've had time for lately. First, I made some sew-on labels by using transfer paper and ribbon. I'm rather pleased with how they turned out.

Second, I made up a couple more rice bags (and plan to make more). This time I added in some lavender to the rice to help make it smell better. And I also added in a label to each bag. I really like how it looks with the label.

I also worked on getting some packaging ideas together. The one that is pretty much finished is the packaging for the pacifier clips. Here's what I have. Very simple, but I like it.

I hope to make more rice bags, some burp cloths, some more pacifier clips and matching bags this week. We'll see how much I actually have time to do!


  1. Okay...I have to say I'm excited...because it's hard to find someone who spins, knits AND quilts/sews. I do...and I luv to find someone else to share with. =)


    1. I'm glad you found my blog. I'm off to look at yours now. :)

      I'm enjoying learning to sew and knitting is my true passion. But I really need to get back to my wheel. I haven't done any spinning since my son was born and he just turned 6 months old. It just seems easier to start and stop with knitting and sewing than with spinning, but I hope to get a good stretch of time soon that I can use to sit down at my wheel!
